Outbound Sales Advisor

Sales Advisor- Pacifica Warranty (Pacifica Group)We are looking for people to join our Sales Team based in our Sales Office In Chester le Street (more than 1 position available)Do you love to talk? are you bubbly / Outgoing with a great attitude and willingness to learn? We want to hear from you!!We are looking for individuals with a Great Attitude to join our vast growing sales team!Don't worry if you don't have a lot of sales experience, although if you have this would be fantastic, we will teach you everything you need to be successful in our Training Academy!!All we ask is:Your a positive and Outgoing Person with a Fun PersonalityWilling to Learn and take feedbackReliableTrustworthyDriven/ Not afraid to work hardCan use a computerBe Courteous and professional at all timesMotivated by earning moneyPositive Mindset Motivated Able to competently use ExcelAble to travel to the office (this is not a remote working role).Able to remain motivated on the toughest of days.No negativity! Great sales people have Great Attitudes!If you fit this Criteria we would love to hear from you!Current Hours of work (subject to change):Monday- Friday • Current hours requested : 9am-5pm Dialling• Must be flexible- notice of any change will be given.Salary: Competitive basic pay @ 12:00 per hour 21 years+ , Plus Non Contractual Commission paid for every sale completed.

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