OTC Sales Advisor

OTC Sales Advisor, 4 to 5 days per week, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland.Mulligans Pharmacy is a family-run business, established in 1957, which operates in the retail pharmacy sector, and occupies 19 sites across the south east of Ireland. This has been delivered through organic growth and acquisitions. We currently employ over 250 staff in Waterford, Kilkenny and Clonmel. We are currently recruiting for an  Over the Counter (OTC) Medicine Assistant for our Thomastown store in Co. Kilkenny. The role offers 4 to 5 days per week, Monday to Saturday.In this role, you will gain experience in all areas of pharmacy, including OTC, skincare, fragrance and cosmetics. Previous over-the-counter medicine experience is highly desirable for this role but the successful candidate will have the opportunity to train with the Irish Pharmacy Union.  Benefits:Staff discount, long-term Term Service holiday entitlements, career development opportunities, and training opportunities. SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED:• Previous over-the-counter medicine experience will be an advantage• Candidates must have a minimum of 2 years’ experience in customer facing retail environment• Have a strong customer focus and excellent customer service skills • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills• Self-motivated and interested in improving the business• ability to prioritise and work under pressure • Excellent attention to detail • Be professional in their conduct and appearance• Strong organisational skills• Works well as part of a team• Be flexible in their working shifts  Benefits:Staff discount, long-term service holiday entitlements, and careerdevelopment opportunities and training opportunities.

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