Operations Manager

The Operations Manager will oversee and coordinate the activities of manufacturing personnel to achieve key production targets, including throughput, changeover efficiency, minimising downtime, and driving continuous improvement. The role involves optimising manufacturing processes to enhance productivity. Reporting to the Divisional Head, the Operations Manager will ensure that all orders are manufactured and dispatched on time, while maintaining compliance with operational, administrative, health & safety (H&S), and business controls.The ideal candidate will have knowledge of manufacturing (ideally building products/timber/construction materials but not essential), with a proven track record in good manufacturing practices and lean principles.Key ResponsibilitiesEnsure the plant meets its quality, service, and safety objectives through effective management of manufacturing operations.Lead and manage designated manufacturing and support functions within the site.Manage and direct project teams established to deliver and implement strategic changes in the plant.Maintain a safe working environment, ensuring full adherence to H&S procedures, incident reporting, and the correct use of PPE.Foster strong working relationships with all departments to ensure a unified approach in achieving budgeted metrics and other key performance indicators.Ensure all product manufacturing procedures are implemented and followed in line with customer requirements and regulatory standards.Manage material delivery and returns in compliance with good manufacturing practices, ensuring products are correctly labelled, wrapped, stored, and transported.Plan for adequate staffing levels for each shift based on production schedules, while maintaining control over overtime and other production costs.Ensure compliance with policies covering personnel, quality, engineering, and safety.Ensure all manufacturing personnel are trained to perform their roles efficiently and effectively.Recommend and implement process improvements, promoting a culture of continuous improvement in production and safety.Oversee procurement of products and stock management.Maximise site uptime through a robust preventative maintenance programme.Skills and ExperienceExperience in manufacturing environment is required.A minimum of 5 years’ experience in a similar role within a manufacturing setting.Proven ability to engage with design teams to optimise manufacturing and ensure timely delivery.Strong leadership and team motivation skills, with the ability to manage production teams effectively.Ability to work under pressure in a dynamic and fast-paced environment to support customer needs.Excellent multi-tasking and organisational skills.Strong numeracy and literacy abilities.Customer-focused mindset with a commitment to exceeding expectations.IT literate, with the ability to utilise relevant software and systems.Strong written and verbal communication skills.

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