Operations & Maintenance Manager

Operations & Maintenance Manager Sandon£50,000 About us: We are a fast-growing specialist in connecting businesses to the electricity grid at scale. We are buzzing with opportunity and very much part of the shift to net zero.  Your Responsibilities:Development of Utility Lines operations and maintenance strategy, delivering due diligence on new project opportunities and supporting the development of the business function.Development of the operations and maintenance arm of the business and the processes the support this.Proactively working with existing clients, contractors and partners to maximise engagement and cooperation for technical queries across live assets.Negotiating service contracts.Building strong working relationships with our existing clients and CPO’s.Providing comprehensive scopes and quotes for work packages.Supporting the response team to manage asset outages and resolution through rapid response interventions. Qualifications and skills:Experience working in a similar role, preferably for an ICP.Must be hardworking, reliable and flexible.Must have strong communication skills and posses good attention to detailGood commercial acumen.Excellent customer service and interpersonal skills.Excellent technical knowledge and a good understanding of operations and maintenance for EV charge points. Health and safety awareness with the ability to take responsibility for project delivery compliance. Why work for us?:An opportunity to grow the business and have input into new processes and ways of working.Excellent career progression opportunities. You can make a real difference.Varied and exciting job role.You will be part of a passionate and sociable teamYou will be involved in some first of its kind projects for the UK – our business is in the green energy space and we have a number of projects which will be hugely impactful in working towards the governments carbon net zero targets.Flexible working options available. Why Choose Adler and Allan: By becoming a part of the Adler and Allan Group, you’ll embark on a rewarding journey where we truly value your ideas and contributions. Whether you're just starting your career or in search of a new challenge, we offer a platform for personal growth and professional advancement, enabling you to shape a successful and fulfilling career path. Our group includes Jet Aire, Detectronic, Aqua Consultants, Oneline, Flotech, KwikFlow, AMGS,OHES, Public Sewer Services, QEM Solutions and Utility Line.

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