Operations Graduate - Northern Ireland

The operations function within ABP ensures that our products are safe, legally compliant and meet with our customer requirements.  Our graduate program will provide individuals with a thorough understanding of all operational aspects of our business from abattoir to finished product. As a graduate you will have a structured development program supported by your manager, mentor and learning department.  You will rotate across a minimum of 3 sites during the 2 year period. We have 5 sites in NI including ABP Lurgan, ABP Newry, Linden Foods Retail Dungannon, Linden Foods Primal Dungannon and Kettyle Irish Foods Lisnaskea.  This is a fantastic opportunity to join a dynamic and vibrant team in an all-encompassing training program!  Main Duties & Responsibilities Your ultimate goal will be to progress towards a leadership position at one of our sites in NI or the UK. From day one, you will get hands on experience supporting our factory operations team. You will get exposure to our wide range of products and processes across both retail and primal sites gaining an understanding of how to run a production line and manage a team. We will teach you about our farm to fork process and be involved in projects across the departments gaining invaluable experience within the food industry.  Knowledge & ExperienceWe’re looking for graduates that are: •                Passionate about working in the food industry •                Have an appreciation for the complexities that come with a career in the red meat industry •                Able to work effectively on your own using your initiative and in a team environment which is often fast paced and customer driven •                Great communicators with the ability to influence others •                Highly computer literate •                Hold a full UK driving licence

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