Operations Coordinator

About the roleThe Operations Coordinator supports the Area and Service Managers in overseeing service quality, achieving company objectives, and maintaining compliance with the Quality Assurance Policy. This role involves collaboration with various stakeholders, including Care Managers, Local Authorities, Service Users, next of kin, healthcare professionals, and training to enhance service delivery and development.WHO WE'RE LOOKING FOR:Compassion: A genuine passion for making a positive impact on the lives of others.Dedication: Commitment to providing vital support and care to those who need it most.Team Spirit: A desire to be part of a dynamic team that values collaboration and excellence.BENEFITS:Employee Recognition: Be celebrated with awards - Employee of the Month, Employee of the Quarter and Employee of the YearRefer a Friend: Earn £200 for successful referralsFree Perks: Free comprehensive training and support, Cycle to Work Scheme, Wellbeing package, Bluelight Card, career progression opportunities and local business benefits.ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES:Responsible for sourcing and implementing new packages, with a knowledge of all capacity for both clients and staff in the areaWorking closely with all brokerages and Care Managers within the Local Authorities to establish a good working relationshipCreation and maintenance of accurate staff rotas, ensure continuity of careCompiling reports for invoicing, payroll and managementSet up new clients on IT system, uploading package details before the first call takes place, prepare folders for client homes. All new packages must be on the system by the end of business dayMaintain all client activity on IT systemTo be conversant with the Care Standards Act 2008 for Domiciliary Care Regulations (National Minimum Standards) and legislation governing the service and other regulations concerning the provision of both domiciliary care and residential care servicesTo be aware of the Quality Assurance Policy of the Company in the provision of a quality service to the Service UsersTo represent the Company in a professional manner at all times, on the telephone, face to face or in written communicationTo ensure that telephones are answered promptly and people are spoken to in a polite and respectful mannerTo maintain confidentiality at all times and carry out the Company’s Confidentiality PolicyTo report to the Coordination Manager any issues regarding the safeguarding of clientsTo ensure the continuous improvement of service deliveryTo participate in companywide projectsTo carry out any other tasks required by the companyQUALIFICATIONS & SKILLS:Qualifications & Experience:Administrative experience.Experience working within the Care IndustryComputer literate. Including MS OfficeMust have English and Maths GCSE, Grade C or aboveFast Learner | Self starter | Entrepreneurial spiritCommunication Skills: Written and verbal - strong telephone skillsRelationship Building Skills: Teamwork and relationship managementOrganisation & Planning skills: Excellent organisational and planning skillsDESIRIBLE CRITERIA:Previous experience of rostering a teamUnderstanding of legislation concerned with care provision.SKILLS & COMPETENCES:Sound understanding of good care principlesAbility to cope under pressureCalm and patientAbility to deal with change or emergenciesAbility to display empathy and understandingFlexible and reliableGood administrative skillsAbility to work at a fast pace environment Effectively manage an ever changing area of clientsConnected Health is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to promoting equality of opportunity, good relations, respect for diversity and inclusion in the workplace and the delivery of its services to clients. It is also committed to ensuring that the talents and resources of all its employees are utilised to the full. Connected Health welcome applications for all job roles from members of all communities.https://connected-health.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Recruitment-of-Ex-offenders-policy.pdf#NIOJ

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