Operations Apprentice

As a Lean Manufacturing Operative Apprentice at ABP, you will be part of an innovative and technically advanced environment, contributing to the efficiency and excellence of our manufacturing operations. This apprenticeship is aligned with the Level 2 Lean Manufacturing Operative standard, providing you with a diverse and hands-on learning experience.We want the best people to work for us and we know that a supportive and friendly working environment plays a key role in attracting and retaining employees. We promote the sharing of knowledge and invest strongly in training and development.Key Responsibilities:For this role, you'll be part of our operations team working in a chilled manufacturing environment. Your key responsibilities include working to our customers specification to ensure that a high quality of product is produced. You'll learn about a variety of cuts that we process on site, as well as use a variety of machinery to look at the correct labelling, weight and quality assurance documentation is completed appropriately. Conducting thorough quality checks throughout operations, reporting defects, and addressing concerns will also form part of this role but all training will be provided.Throughout your apprenticeship, you'll learn a variety of manufacturing techniques that will support the business to continually improve our operational functions so it's a great opportunity to learn hands-on in a technically advance food environment. You'll also complete a variety of qualifications such as Food Hygiene and Food Safety courses, as well as working towards your Level 2 Lean Manufacturing apprenticeship programme. If required, we`ll also support you through your Functional Skills in Maths and English.Personal Attributes:Keen interest in practical, hands-on activities.Drive and determination to excel in a challenging apprenticeship.Strong teamwork and communication skillsFriendly, positive, and hardworking approach.Problem-solving approach and adaptability.Reliability and flexibility, including working various shifts.Punctuality and consistent attendance are a crucial requirement for this role.Knowledge/Skills/Qualifications:No formal qualifications are required for this role. However, you`ll ideally have a minimum of GCSE in English (Grade 3/D) and Maths (Grade 3/D) or above, or can work towards completing a Functional Skills in Maths and English Level 1.Keen interest to learn and complete an apprenticeshipFuture Career Path Progression:This apprenticeship offers a gateway to a rewarding career at ABP. Upon completion, you'll be equipped with extensive experience and qualifications, opening doors to various roles within the food manufacturing field. With over 18 sites across the UK and Northern Ireland, opportunities may arise for development and grown within the business.Apply today with your current CV and a covering letter and join us on this journey and shape your future with ABP UK!SkillsGood communication skills are paramount to this roleOrganised and assertiveAble to use their own initiativeSelf-motivated and able to develop an excellent knowledge of products

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