One Stop Shop - Programme Manager

Job TitleOne Stop Shop - Programme ManagerSalary€79,086 pa (Other arrangements may apply if coming directly from another civil or public service body)Tenure5-year fixed term contractWork LocationDublinClosing DateMidnight, Thursday 31st October 2024Role ProfileWe have an exciting opportunity in the One Stop Shop (OSS) Team in the Communities & National Retrofit Department. SEAI has been designated as the National Retrofit Delivery Body for delivering on Ireland’s target of upgrading 500,000 homes to B2 by 2030. Ireland’s national retrofit programme is aimed at upgrading the Irish housing stock to high standards of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and decarbonisation. The One Stop Shop team supports the registration and development of companies registering as OSS. An OSS provides an end-to-end service to homeowners to advise and deliver energy upgrades. The team’s main goals are engaging and registering companies as OSS, monitoring and reporting on the OSS in partnership with the retrofit programmes through the quarterly business reports and developing the OSS to continual improve their service. This position will play a key role in the Retrofit Directorate. The successful candidate will be responsible for growing the number of One Stop Shops in Ireland, through developing and registering new One Stop Shop companies and supporting their development. You will join an enthusiastic and innovative team who are committed to the high-quality development and management of the OSS providers.  You will be working with retrofit programmes across the Retrofit Directorate. Currently, OSSs can provide upgrades to homeowners through the National Home Energy Upgrade scheme, and the Individual Energy Upgrade scheme (formerly Better Energy Homes). The Programme Manager will report to the Head of Communities & National Retrofit. Essential RequirementsA degree level (a minimum of NFQ Level 7 or greater) or equivalent professional qualification in a relevant technical discipline such as Engineering, Science or ArchitectureMinimum 5 years’ experience of working in this or a related sector or in a similar role. Knowledge of building technologies industry, buildings, or another relevant sector. Demonstrated ability to delegate and manage a team.Strong project management and organisation skills and knowledge of business process development experience. Strong written and verbal communication skills, reporting writing, presenting and public speaking.Experience of change management.Desirable RequirementsExperience of residential energy retrofits.Demonstrated ability to think strategically. Eligibility to WorkThe SEAI has a legal obligation to ensure that all employees are lawfully entitled to work in Ireland. To qualify, candidates must hold a valid visa on the date of application and where applicable to support a candidate’s application, candidates must submit a valid work permit/visa confirming permission to work in Ireland when requested. Failure to submit the required evidence, and failure to hold a valid permit/visa during the period of the contract, will result in the application and/or contract of employment being rendered void. Note in respect of UK citizens: Information regarding the Common Travel Area is available here.#LI-Hybrid

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