Office Administrator , Tigers Childcare Blanchardstown

Office AdministratorContract: Full-time, Permanent 40 hours per week - 9:00am – 5:30pm, Monday to Friday.Location: Blanchardstown, Dublin 15Salary: €28,000 – €32,000Tigers Childcare is a company with a strong set of values and a clear purpose. We strive to improve the lives of children and families through the provision of high-quality education and care. We currently operate 22 childcare services in Cork, Dublin, Kildare, and Meath and have ambitious growth plans to continue to expand our service in strategic locations across Ireland. As we continue to grow, we are seeking a highly organised and tech-savvy Office Administrator who will support the office, operations and facilities teams.Role: We are looking for an Office Administrator who will handle day-to-day administrative tasks while also assisting in the management of our internal and external systems, training requirements and social media channels. The ideal candidate will be a proactive, detail-oriented individual with excellent communication skills. The successful candidate will cover the administrative and facilities team annual leave so needs to be adaptable and willing to embed themselves in all aspects of the operations function of the business.Key Responsibilities Your responsibilities will include, but not be limited to:General office administration including: Manage phone calls, correspondence (emails, letters, customer enquiries etc) – incoming & outgoing.Paper & electronic file management & archiving.Renewing memberships & subscriptions as required.Process & track purchase orders.Updating documentation, creating presentations, and providing reports as required.Manage office vendors & service contractors.Ensuring GDPR compliance at all times.Management of various social media platforms.Regulatory ComplianceAssist with submitting & logging regulatory notifications as required (Tusla, HSE, EHO, HSA etc).Updating system databases for various Government subsidy schemes (ECCE, NCS)Internal SystemsAssisting with the management of Child Paths.Creating new sites/branches/users as required. o Assisting with the management of the HIVE.Monitoring Hive for notifications and communicating same to relevant parties as necessary.Ensuring calendars, fees lists and parental declarations for the various schemes are correct and updated as necessary.Supporting managers with queries on the systems as requiredAdhoc EA duties on behalf of CEO, Managing Directors & Operation Manager s as required to include:Diary managementTravel itineraries/arrangements.Assist with the management of maintenance across all centres to include:Working with Tigers internal facilities coordinator & maintenance professionals, 3 rd party maintenance contractors, and service managers to ensure all maintenance requirements are being carried out & recorded correctly.Assist with the administration of the internal EHS Maintenance system. o Process & track maintenance requests – both internal & 3rd party. o Prioritising requests and work with the maintenance team to schedule site visits. o Ensure PPM site visits are being carried out & records are received.Diary management - adding visits to the calendar, scheduling & booking site visits.Assist in obtaining quotes for maintenance works required) & the follow up required.Qualifications & RequirementsProven experience as an Office Administrator or in a similar administrative role.Strong understanding of social media platforms and best practices.Excellent written and verbal communication skills.Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook).Familiarity with social media management tools and analytics platforms.Familiarity with Canva.Exceptional organisational and multitasking abilities.Creative mindset with a keen eye for detail.*This job description may be reviewed, updated and/or amended from time to time in line with the requirements of the business and as required by the Operations ManagerINDDUB 

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