Contract Occupational Therapist

Occupational TherapistPosition: ContractorLocation: Dublin (exact location to be agreed)Commencement date: As soon as possible About Us:At Centric Mental Health, we are dedicated to providing exceptional care and support to individuals across all age groups in Primary Care. We are seeking a passionate and skilled SLT to join our dynamic and growing mental health team. If you have experience working with neurodivergence, particularly in assessing Autism and ADHD in children, adolescents, and adults, we would love to hear from you. The successful candidate will be a passionate and effective team worker with excellent analytical, assessment and therapy skills, highly motivated, organized and efficient and committed to providing the highest quality evidenced based mental health care to clients attending Centric Mental Health.  Key Responsibilities can include:·      Conduct thorough clinical and diagnostic assessments, including ADHD and Autism, in line with best practice guidelines.·      Collaborate with our multidisciplinary team for case formulation, reports and comprehensive care.·      Maintain accurate and confidential patient records.·      Deliver timely and satisfactory assessment reports.·      Develop, deliver and/or contribute to therapies and interventions primarily for neurodivergent individuals·      Communicate effectively with team members and other healthcare professionals.·      Adhere to professional competence and clinical governance principles.·      Stay updated with the latest research and CPD related to clinical work.·      Manage time effectively to meet deadlines.·      Use supervision effectively to support clinical development, promote excellent standards of care, and ensure safe clinical practice. Qualifications and experience:·       Recognised qualification in Occupational Therapy·       Accreditation with CORU or equivalent·       Specialisation or experience in Autism and ADHD assessment ·       Proficiency in administering and interpreting standardized assessment tools commonly used in autism diagnosis e.g., ADOS-2, ADI-R·       Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to effectively collaborate with multidisciplinary teams.·       Ability to work in a collaborative team environment with an openness to sharing ideas and learning from others·       Fluent English  Panels may be formed from which future positions may be filled  The above Job Description is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all duties involved. The post holder may be required to perform additional duties appropriate to the post which may be assigned to them from time to time, and which contribute to the development of the post while in office. Centric Mental Health is an equal-opportunity employer committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce. If you're ready to make a meaningful impact and grow in a nurturing environment, apply today! 

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