Occupational Health Nurse

We are looking for an experienced Occupational Health Nurse to join our expanding team on a part-time / full-time basis. Main duties:Pre-employment health assessmentsOff site occupational clinics in client organisationsSickness & work-related injury absence management, including consultation with occupational physician Coordination and delivery of vaccination programs for different infectious diseases with particular emphasis on Seasonal Influenza & Hepatitis B.Health Promotion & Employee well-being programmesRequirements:Registered nurse with the NMBIAt least 2 years’ experience in an occupational health settingAudiometry experience preferredRecognised qualification in occupational healthExcellent communication skills, both oral and writtenSalary dependant on experience******Please do not apply for this role if you are not a qualified Occupational Health Nurse - you will not move to interview! Thank you.****

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