Nursery Practitioner L3, London Elephant Park

Tigers Childcare are looking to recruit experienced, dedicated, professional educators to join our team of childcare professionals for our location in London.Hours: 40 hours Position: : Early Years PractionerStart Date: ASAP Contract: PermanentLocation: London, Elephant ParkResponsibilities and DutiesYour duties as Early Years Practioner will include, but not be limited to:o   Perform a variety of tasks, such a nappy changing, toileting, sterilising, feeding, nap supervision and engaging in play.o   Conduct observations & learning stories for key children.o   Follow the policies & procedures of the service at all times.o   Cleaning, tidying and storage of equipment and toys after use.o   Co-ordinate the implementation of activities suitable for different age groups.o   Maintain room and equipment to ensure the health and safety of children at all times.o   Organise materials and toys to the benefit of children throughout the day.o   Support children’s developments – emotional, social, physical and cognitive in carrying out activities.o   Comply with all regulatory standards as set out by Tusla, DES and in the Tigers internal audit.o   Be aware of Child Protection Procedures and advise manager should you have any concerns about a child.o   Maintain strict confidentiality – any breach of confidentiality about children or their families will constitute gross misconduct.o   Perform other reasonable and relevant duties as may be assigned from time to time.o   Perform school collections as per collections policy.o   Weekly planning & emerging interests.o   Floor books & interest tables.o   Perform any other reasonable duties that may be assigned from time to time. Experience Required·     Experience working in an early years setting.·      Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of inclusive early childhood education and care.·      Demonstrable and detailed knowledge of current legislation relevant to the early years.·      Understanding and experience of social inclusion and disability issues.·      Ability to provide mentoring and coaching services.·      Sound understanding of child development, and of children's needs.·      Ability to plan and implement a curriculum, taking into account the SEN Code of Practice, child protection procedures and equal opportunities’ considerations.Qualifications Required·      Level 3 early years education Minimum

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