Nurse Tutor (Specified Purpose Contract)

Nurse TutorSpecified Purpose ContractCentre of Nurse Education (Under the Governance of Mercy University Hospital Cork CLG.)The Centre for Nurse Education is responsible for the provision of a broad range of quality assured education, training and professional development programmes for Registered Nurses, to support them in ongoing maintenance of competence and the provision of safe, quality patient care. The post holder will be involved in planning, developing, co-ordinating, delivering, and evaluating evidence-based, quality assured education and training programmes for Registered Nurses and other staff categories, as relevant, within the geographic remit of the Centre of Nurse Education.  There is currently 1 WTE Specified Purpose Contract Nurse Tutor vacancy available in the Centre of Nurse Education, Mercy University Hospital, Cork. (12 month duration) Responsibilities - The post holder will:Plan, design, co-ordinate and deliver a range of education programmes to meet service requirements. Support the effective design and development of programmes to meet service need and secure NMBI approval and other accreditation as appropriate.Participate in conducting learning and development needs identification with Registered Nurses within the geographic remit of the Centre.Participate in the development, co-ordination and delivery of programmes leading to academic award and ensure such programmes comply fully with relevant requirements and standards of professional regulatory and academic awarding bodies. This is not the full extent of responsibilities, for full details please see job description. Eligibility Criteria –Candidates;Are registered in the relevant Division of the Register of Nurses and Midwives, with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland [NMBI]Are registered, or are eligible for registration, as a Nurse Tutor with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland [NMBI]Have a minimum of three years in the previous five years registration clinical experience as appropriate to the setting at the closing date for receipt of applications for the post.Must demonstrate depth and breadth of experience in teaching and facilitation as relevant to the role.Must possess the requisite knowledge, leadership and management ability for the proper discharge of the duties of the office. Closing date for application is Friday August 9th 2024The MUH reserve the right to create a panel for this post from which permanent, fixed term and specified purpose vacancies of a full or part time duration may be filled. 

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