Nugo - Van Driver - Sligo

Welcome to Nügo, Ireland's newest and most innovative 2-person delivery service for heavier goods weighing 30KG or higher! As a sister company of Fastway, Ireland's leading independent delivery network, which handles over 24 million parcels annually for over 7,000 domestic and international clients, Nügo will transform the way heavy goods are delivered in Ireland. As we embark on this exciting journey, we are looking for dedicated and motivated individuals to join our team. If you are someone who enjoys working in a dynamic and fast-paced environment, values exceptional customer service, and takes pride in handling heavier goods with care, then Nügo might be the perfect fit for you. As a member of the Nügo team, you will have the opportunity to be part of a growing company that prioritizes teamwork, professionalism, and innovation. We offer competitive compensation packages, training and development opportunities, and a supportive work culture that fosters growth and advancement. Join us at Nügo in our Sligo Depot and make a meaningful impact and be part of a team that is committed to exceeding customer expectations every step of the way. Apply now and let's deliver excellence together!** Note: All applicants must be 25 or older due to insurance purposes. Required Experience:Hold a full clean Irish Driving License.Have a minimum of 12 months Van driving experience.Drive in a safe and efficient manner and always within the laws of the road & working time directive.Comply with company H&S guidelines at all times ensuring that H&S legislation is followed at every touch point.Flexible approach to the working week as start & finish times may differ.Customer service orientated as will be customer facing on a daily basis.A good understanding of the English language.Ability to use a tail lift is preferred but not essential as full training will be provided.Of good health as some heavy lifting involved.Ability to work with others as this is a 2-man position.Local knowledge of delivery areas is essential. Salary & Benefits:Salary: €32,000 Benefits include:On-site parkingWellness programBike to work SchemePositive Career ProgressionEmployee Assistance Program#FAST1

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