Night shift Permanent Mobile Driver - Four on / Four off Shift Pattern

Vigilant Security are offering an exciting opportunity for a security professional to join our expanding team,Your role will be as a Mobile Security Patrol Officer Pay rate: £12.25 per hour The Shift Timings are 20:30 hours to 07:30 hoursPermanent Contract with additional hours available Role PurposeTo deliver visible security patrols and prevention of antisocial behaviour.To lead in the engagement and communication with key stakeholders.Behaviours applicable to the roleAdaptability;Customer Service;Driving Improvement;Working Together;Uniform CompliantGood Timekeeping SpecificationsFrontline Door Supervision SIA licence essential or Security Guarding Essential;Full clean UK Drivers Licence; held for at least 2 years; EssentialPrevious experience within similar role;Fully comprehensive 5-year work/education historyExcellent communication & administration skills;Reliable with excellent time-management skills;Smart, well-groomed and confident;Conflict management and community safety aware;High level of Customer Care Awareness;Fluent in English both written and verbal;

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