Night Security Officer

Ready to join a security team on a full time basis in one of our client's offices in Maidenhead for night shifts. Join us as a Security Officer and enjoy: Comprehensive company induction and onsite training to support you in your journey with us Competitive salary Online portal/app with an EAP, selection of benefits, including discounts for shopping, holidays and moreContributory pensionCareer development through training and education programmesFriendly and inclusive workplace culture in line with our Core Values  What do you need to know? We appreciate your customer service and hospitality expertise and will provide training to excel in this role. We prioritise a balanced life with flexible shifts to ensure your well-being. About the role      Working 12 hour shifts 7-7 available for nights in rotation. This part time role is for on average 42 hours per week (3 days one week and 4 the following).As a Corporate Security Officer, you will be responsible for ensuring all the safety and security of the client's premises. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:  Ensure visitors & contractors are welcomed and assisted in line with SOPs.Being a first point of contact and being fully knowledgeable on the geography of the building and the locality and be able to assist with any queries in this area.Be proficient in answering phones, emails, IT systems, CCTV, alarms and access control systems..Accurately record relevant information for inclusion in weekly/monthly reports as required.Liaise with the Supervisor and SOC.Report all unusual circumstances and situations and respond, as necessary.Identify and act upon all suspicious activity or potential criminal activity, retaining full control until emergency services arrive.Provide emergency response in a crisis, ensuring the safety of all the client’s employees and visitors.Escalate any issue by communicating these to the Security leadership team.Communicate with team members at all times and be able to highlight operational issues immediately in line with SOPs.Learn all client and Provincial SOPs and ensure these are followed at all times.Take part in fire drills, maintenance of life safety systems and being proactive regarding updating procedures when requested.Auditing, compliance and liaising with the Operations Manager on audit requirements.Engage with all training as required. Preferred Qualifications ·      First Aid certificate·      Security Guard SIA Licence Looking after our team is important to us. As well as the benefits listed above, we also offer holidays, pension scheme, bike to work scheme, mental health supports, refer a friend scheme, Christmas savings club and more. If there’s something important to you not listed above, talk to our team. At Provincial, we embrace diversity and create an environment where everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, cultural background or disability, can flourish and succeed. If you don’t meet all the criteria, don’t worry; we welcome individuals of all genders, nationalities, and sexualities to apply for positions within our company. Your journey with us begins when you believe in yourself and in the endless possibilities we offer.

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