Night Receptionist

The Townhouse on the Green has an exciting new opportunity for an experienced Night Receptionist.The role involves:Being the direct point of contact for our guests during the overnight shift.Responsible for the safety and security of the guests and the building.Ensure the smooth running of the Night Audit and related reportsCarrying out all tasks in accordance with procedures as outlined in the Front Office Standards Manual.Ensuring all tasks and checklists are actioned and completed during shift.Ensuring that all aspects of security and cash handling are followed at all times in accordance with the company Policy.Having the highest standards of presentation and cleanliness.The ideal candidate must have:Previously worked nights in a similar roleExcellent communication skills both verbal and writtenPrevious experience of Opera is preferredAttention to detailStrong customer focus skillsPositive attitude to workEnjoys a sense of empowerment and a want to improveThe ability to work shifts and weekendsBenefitsFocus on development & progression, Bike to Work, Travel Tax Incentives, staff food, reward programmes such as long service awards and staff recognition and incentives including Employee of the Month/Year, Refer a Friend bonus

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