Night Porter (P/T)

Discover a Rewarding Career Opportunity at the Sheraton Athlone Hotel!Join our vibrant Night Team as a Night Porter at the prestigious Sheraton Athlone Hotel, a proud member of the Hodson Bay Group. We're on the lookout for a dedicated and customer-centric individual who excels in communication and interpersonal skills. If you have previous bar experience, that's a definite plus!As a Night Porter, you'll play an essential role in ensuring the smooth operation of our hotel during the late hours. Your key responsibilities will include conducting the Night Audit, setting up meeting rooms, delivering exceptional Food & Beverage services to our guests, maintaining cleanliness, and adhering to Health & Safety standards to create a secure environment for all residents and guests between 11pm and 7am.We're seeking candidates with outstanding IT skills and a high level of spoken English proficiency. Familiarity with the Micros/Opera Front Office package is advantageous, but don't worry – we'll provide you with the necessary training.At the Sheraton Athlone Hotel, our employees are at the heart of our success. We are committed to nurturing a positive working environment that thrives on teamwork, ongoing training, and staff recognition. We believe that our dedicated employees are our most valuable asset in delivering exceptional customer experiences.Here's what we offer our valued Night Porters:Complimentary meals while on dutyAccess to our state-of-the-art Leisure CentreExclusive staff discounts at The SpaAttractive hotel discounts with Hodson Bay Group and Explore Rate Discounts at almost 8,700 Marriott International Properties across 139 countriesExciting motivational perks, such as Employee of the MonthA lively Sports & Social Club to foster camaraderie and well-beingTake the next step in your career by joining our welcoming team at the Sheraton Athlone Hotel. We look forward to having you on board!

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