Night porter

The Rose Hotel is a 4 star hotel located in Tralee, Co Kerry. and has 161 bedrooms, 2 restaurants, 2 bars, function room, meeting rooms, spa and gymThe hotel is open all year round.We are currently recruiting for a Night porter to work as part of the night team in the hotel. This role involves working between 3-5 nights a week, depending on the time of year ( as winter months can be a little quieter). The working hours are from 11pm - 7am and the working days will vary depending on the business requirements. Therefore your working days will include weekends and public holidays. Main duties of the role include:To maintain a high level of safety and security within the hotelTo ensure the smooth running of the front office desk during your shiftFollow the list of night audit procedures and generate the relevant reports for the departments concernedEnsuring all transactions are posted correctly before running night audit as well as ensuring all transactions are cashed off correctly as per SOP and that there are no rooms or PM’s left on a “Due Out” status before running the night audit.To do a complete handover to the Duty Manager and receptionist at the end of the shiftTo deal with guest queries in a friendly and efficient manner, ensuring guest satisfaction at all times.Ensure clean lobby and desk area during shiftEnsure that the guest is awakened as requested by accepting, recording and executing wake-up callsTo carry out guest check in/out as per our standardTo ensure that all payments are processedTo answer all telephone calls as efficiently as possibleTo communicate any enquiries to the relevant department in a timely manner, ensuring that all information is correctTo carry out end of shift cash upTo be familiar with all hotel special offer and promotionsTo be familiar with local attractions and services and provide up to date advice and recommendations to guestsTo complete nightly cleaning duties as per checklist To assist in meeting room set up as requested To provide out of hours Food & Beverage Service including Night Bar, Room Service, Early Departure Breakfasts, Late Arrival dining To carry out any other reasonable request from managementQualifications for the role:An advantage to have worked as a Night Porter previously in a similar sized establishmentTo have some knowledge of computersTo be able to provide a high standard of customer service to the guestsTo work as part of a teamIdeally to be qualified in First AidMust have fluent English in both written and oralMust be flexible in working days as will include weekends and public holdiays.Benefits of working in The Rose HotelWill be provided with training in the roleWill be provided with part of the uniformProvided with a meal on dutyFree carparkingAccess to the hotel gym at designated timesFree tea/coffeeThis role maybe part time for the winter months and increase to full time from March onwards.Note we do not provide accommodation, however we may be able to provide assistance in trying to find a place.Please do not apply for this role if you do not have the correct legal status to work in Ireland or require a work permit.

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