Night Porter- Killarney Towers Hotel

The team at the Killarney Towers Hotel & Leisure Centre are seeking an experienced Night Porter to work on a full time basis 5 nights per week. This position is available all year round.The main duties of the position:·        To ensure a safe and secure environment for customers, staff and visitors is maintained at all times.·        To carry out security checks of entire hotel building on a regular basis.·        To take and prepare orders of light refreshments to guest’s rooms as required.·        To carry out required cleaning duties through the night, to include public areas, toilets, meeting rooms, food and beverage outlets, and any other areas required.·        To carry out wake-up calls.·        To carry out porterage when required.·        Dealing with telephone and guest enquiries.·        To assist in the restaurant/bar/lounge when required.Requirements:·        Experience in a similar position in a hotel environment would be beneficial·        Fluent English is necessary·        Permission to work in IrelandStaff working within the Hotel group can avail of the following benefits:·          Free access to Leisure Centre and discounts on memberships for family.·          Discounts in the Hotel Spa- treatments and products·          Discount in food outlets in food outlets throughout 4 hotels in the group·          Discount on accommodation rate for family/friends

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