Night Porter

Rathsallagh is an Irish Blue Book Member . Winners of numerous awards for fine dining, restaurant , County House of the Year, 39 bedrooms with 5 star appointments. Duties to include general service to guests at night, including the smooth and efficient running of reception to the rules of our Standard Operating Procedures ( SOP). Cleaning up and re setting function rooms after functions and general assistant to food & beverage staff during working hours. To supervise / manage the team working under you in this role Ideal candidate will be used to working nights, have some supervisory skills and have a fluent level of English. CV’s in word doc format only please. Applications by e mail must have an introduction in e mail body. Accommodation is not available for this position. This is a part time position mostly Thursday to Saturday inclusive summer and Friday to Saturdays winter. Keywords: Dining room supervisor, Restaurant Supervisor , Security , Duty Manager, Waiter, Waitress, Bar Man, Night Porter, Night work, Night shift, Night Manager, duty Manager, Security, Kitchen Porter, Hotel, Bar, Night Club . Part time.

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