Night Porter

Night Porter required for the Talbot Collection Wexford. Reporting into the Night Manager.Main Duties to include:Turn around and setting up meeting rooms and function rooms for the day ahead.Assist with reception, late check in and early check outs.Provide a high level of customer service at all times.Cleaning of public areas.Carry out security walks.Good command of the English Language both written & verbal is essential.Opening the Carpark.Assist residents and provide a high level of customer service at all times.The ideal candidate must be:Computer literate, be reliable and be well organised.Be pro-active and be a team player.Good command of the English Language both written & verbal is essential.Previous experience of a similar role in a hotel would be essential. Previous bar experience/reception experience is desired.Must be flexible as the role involves shift work and weekend working. What do we offer?Complimentary Leisure Club MembershipDiscounted Accommodation RatesLife InsuranceEmployee Counselling LineBike to Work SchemePension SchemeChristmas Savings SchemeFree parkingUniformTalbot Collection Wexford has been certified as a Great Place To Work.*Talbot Collection Wexford is part of the Talbot Hotel Collection and is an equal opportunities employer.*

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