Night Porter

We have a fantastic opportunity for a Night Porter to join our night team at the 4* Tower Hotel in Waterford City. Candidates must be available to work mid-week and weekends. The Tower Hotel is Waterford’s premier 4-star city centre hotel and is superbly located overlooking the Marina and Reginald's Tower. The hotel is just a 3-minute stroll from the city’s shopping and entertainment hot spots, and the premier business district. We are part of the Neville Hotel group, a family-owned Irish Hotel Group with four iconic hotels, with a fifth on the way: Within the group is The 4* Royal Marine Hotel in Dún Laoghaire County Dublin, The 5* Druids Glen Hotel & Golf Resort in Wicklow, The 4* Kilkenny River Court Hotel, The 4* Tower Hotel & Leisure Centre in Waterford City, and soon, The Ravenport Resort in Curracloe, Wexford. The Candidate:The ideal candidate for this role will be a confident, organised person who has excellent attention to detail, will be motivated and have good social and communication skills. They will also have a flexible attitude towards shift work as the role will involve working midweek and weekends. The role: -Greet and assist late-night arrivals.Complete the relevant checklists including end-of-shift reports.Assist with the correct service of Restaurant/Bar menu and beverages.Prepare Hobson’s Restaurant for breakfast set-up.Ensure good level of product and local knowledge for guests when requested.Ensure that high standards of cleanliness and service are achieved in all areas.Ensure co-operation and compliance with all legislation relevant to your role such as fire safety.Adhere to health and safety regulations, addressing any potential hazards promptly.Preparation of conference rooms as detailed on function sheets.Conduct safety floor checks throughout the night. Key Skills & Qualifications: -Previous night-shift experience.Ability to work independently, demonstrating responsibility and reliability.Works calmly under pressure.Excellent organisation and attention-to-detail, especially during security checks.Great customer service and communication skills.Basic knowledge of computer systems is an advantage.Food and beverage service experience is desirable. Benefits:Hotel B&B discounts across the group.20% discount on bar & restaurant food in a sister property.10% discount on food for family occasions (groups of 20 or more).Comp golf available on Druids Heath to all Neville Hotel Team Members (T’s & C’s apply).Promotion of bike to work scheme and other commuting to work incentives.Meals during shifts.Free onsite tea/coffee.Opportunities for career progression.Employee of the Month and Employee of the Year.Employee referral bonus (T&C’s applies).If a Team Member books an overnight stay in any Neville Hotel, the company will provide the 2nd night free for any booking of two nights or more (T&C’s applies).  Important Information: All applicants must have a PPS number and be eligible to live and work in the Ireland full time. You will be asked to provide documented evidence of eligibility.The Tower Hotel is committed to a policy of equal opportunities. 

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