Night Porter

Position: Night Porter (Full Time)Location: Tulfarris Hotel & Golf Resort Tulfarris Hotel & Golf Resort are currently recruiting for an experienced Full & Part Time Night Porters to join the team. Our HotelMore than just a hotel. Tulfarris is one of the most picturesque hotels in Wicklow. Our luxurious hotel consists of 89 guest rooms and 3 self-catering lodges with their own unique story and style which provide the perfect setting for weddings and all sorts of special events. The Brasserie and The Fairways Restaurant serve an array of delicious food in a relaxing environment which boasts panoramic views across our golf course, the Blessington Lakes and Wicklow Mountains. All our food is sourced locally from our Irish farmers, cheese mongers and suppliers. We're also causing quite the stir with our fine selection of beers and cocktails! Located just 45 minutes from Dublin City and 25 minutes from the M50, the hotel is easily accessible.  The RoleWhile the successful candidate will be provided with on the job training, it is essential that they have previous hotel reception experience. The ideal candidate will have excellent customer service skills and experience in a four star hotel/serviced apartment environment. They will be reliable, organised, have excellent customer care, be a good team player and have a natural flair and enthusiasm for dealing with and communicating with people. Huge focus on customer care in a four star property with a strong corporate market working alongside a small team. Some duties will include;Provide a warm welcome to guest.Guest check in, check out Answering hotel phoneHandling guest queriesUse of onsite computer systemsProviding and maintaining security of the hotel at night Hours of work are 10.45pm to 7.15am. Flexible hours and nights available All applicants must have permission to work in Ireland. Why Work With Us? We are a team of talented professionals who work well together and we are a fun team to work with. We want you to be happy and enjoy coming to work with us by providing every individual with the support and training required. Just some of the benefits of working with us: Excellent working environmentFriends and family stayover specialsEmployee of the month awardsFlexible working hoursBike to work schemeEmployee referral schemmwAnnual charity eventsEmployee Assistance ProgrammeFree Car ParkingTraining & Development opportunitiesCareer progression opportunities Tulfarris Hotel & Golf Resort #MoreThanJustaHotel To Apply If you would like to apply for this role, please forward your CV through this website. We look forward to hearing from you 

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