Night Porter

The 4 star Shearwater are currently recruiting for a Night Porter to join our team. The successful candidate will carry out reception duties as well as maintaining the agreed standards of cleanliness throughout the hotel and maintain a presence in key areas of the property during the night.Key Duties and Responsibilities Responsible for the safety & security of the hotel and its guests.Check in and out hotel guests as required as well as assisting with guest requests in relation to luggage/porterage.Responsible for ensuring the cleanliness of all areas of the hotel is maintained.Responsible for set up of function rooms, breakfast area etc as directed by manager on duty and as per nightly checklist.Responsibility for the front entrance and outside of the hotel and ensure that it is clean and tidy at all times. This includes emptying bins, picking up rubbish etc.To have a full understanding of the hotels’ fire procedures to ensure safety of all staff and guests at all times.Have the ability to multi task in a fast-paced environment with a “Can do” attitude.Be energetic and flexible regarding hours/shifts.Demonstrate initiative while adhering to company policies and procedures.Maintain awareness of hygiene & cleanliness standard for the hotel.Cater to all guest needs and requirements in a timely and efficient manner.Maintain strict confidentiality in line with the company General Data Protection Regulation Policy and Confidentiality Agreement.Maintain a tidy, clean and orderly appearance in all areas.Have a full understanding of emergency procedures.Understand Comer Group Ireland Work Health and Safety policies and procedures and abide by them at all times.Ensure all Work Health and Safety procedures are adhered to within the Department.Report hazards, near misses and accidents at the workplace immediately.Ensure security procedures for stores, cash, premises, team members, equipment and chemicals is implemented and maintained in accordance with Comer Group Ireland policies and procedures.Ensure customer security and privacy is maintained at all times.Required Education, Skills and Qualifications Knowledge of the Hospitality IndustryIT proficiency is essentialAbility to accurately complete tasks and maintain responsibilities in a timely mannerA high level of attention to detailExcellent written, interpersonal and organisational skillsExcellent customer service skillsMinimum 1-2 years in a similar position of similar sized property.Previous experience in a fast-paced hospitality environment.Due to the large volume of applications for this role, only successful candidates will be contacted.

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