Night Porter

The Talbot Hotel Stillorgan is currently recruiting for a Night Porter to join our team. The Talbot Collection are one of the Best Places to Work in Hospitality 2024 as awarded by the Great Place to Work. Come experience it for yourself and join our team.  Main Duties: To ensure that the highest level of guest service is given throughout the night paying particular attention to conference/function business and all public areas, ascertaining complete guest satisfaction at all times.To ensure that all necessary steps are taken to safeguard company money, goods and assets.To establish a courteous and helpful attitude to all guests by anticipating their needs.To carry out various cleaning duties and general portering duties, as necessary.To provide a safe and secure environment for hotel guests.To be proactive in ensuring that all Health & Safety procedures and hygiene procedures are adhered to at all times.To cover reception as required - must be able to check in and check out.To ensure a complete & clear handover is done with the porter going off duty and that you prepare a handover for the end of your shift ensuring all check sheets are fully completed.Required: Fluent EnglishExcellent communication and organisation skills2 - 3 years’ experience as a porterIn return we will give: One of the Best Places to Work in Hospitality 2024 as awarded by the Great Place WorkJoin a company and culture that put their team firstTraining and Development Opportunities - we invest in our peopleBeing part of a progressive & growing company.Contributory company pension scheme. (12 months service requirement);Company Life Insurance SchemeFree parkingStaff mealsEmployee Assistance ProgrammeTalbot Collection Friends and Family Rates on accommodationBike to WorkChristmas Savings SchemeThis role will require night work between the hours of 23.00 (11pm) and 07.00 (7am).* Talbot Hotel Stillorgan is an equal opportunities employer *

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