Night Porter

Midleton Park Hotel, part of the Talbot Collection, are currently recruiting for an experienced Night Porter.Overall Job PurposeResponsibility for the hotel during night hours, ensuring that the highest level of guest service is given at all times, paying particular attention to conference/function business and all public areas, ascertaining complete guest satisfaction at all times; Role Specific Duties:·        To ensure meeting & event rooms are properly set up, broken down and reset according to the weekly function sheets;·        To liaise with front office regarding all aspects of client’s requirements;·        To set up and deliver room service requests when required;·        To deal with external and internal queries;·        To carry out our customer relations policy ensuring that we maintain 4 star standards at all times;·        To report and where possible take action on incidents of accidents or damage in the Hotel;·        To be proactive in maintaining energy efficiency within the Hotel;·        To deal with customer complaints in an efficient and professional manner and to notify Management of these;·        To ensure the safety of all our guests throughout the night, by completing the safety checks and night audits competently;·        Ensure the hotel is prepared for the next day's business;·        Serve all guest requirements for the property during the night period;·        Ensure that all necessary steps are taken to safeguard company money, goods and assets;·        Coordinate and carry out various cleaning duties and general portering duties, as necessary;·        Provide a safe and secure environment for hotel guests;·        Be proactive in ensuring that all Health & Safety procedures and hygiene procedures are adhered to at all times; Some of the benefits of joining the team at Midleton Park Hotel:-         Free parking-         Complimentary Leisure Club Membership-         Staff Meals-         Contributory company pension scheme. (12 months service requirement)-         Company Life Insurance Scheme-         Employee Assistance Programme-         Talbot Collection Friends and Family Rates-         Training and Development Opportunities - we invest in our people-         Being part of a progressive & growing company  **Midleton Park Hotel, part of the Talbot Collection is an equal opportunities employer**    

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