Night Hygiene Operative

ABP UK is a major division of the ABP Food Group with factories in Ireland, UK and Europe, ABP’s commitment to excellence impacts on every aspect of its business. Our teams of experienced and reliable meat experts are passionate about building lasting partnerships in the European retail, manufacturing and food service sectors.Our customers are the major multiples and high profile caterers and require the best 365 days of the year. That means central packing and sophisticated distribution, a revolutionary supply chain in the industry which is being led and developed by ABP. Only well-resourced companies can compete for such business.We want the best people to work for us and we know that a supportive and friendly working environment plays a key role in attracting and retaining employees. We promote the sharing of knowledge and invest strongly in training and development.Job RoleWorking as part of the night hygiene team to ensure excellent standards are maintained as well as supporting the smooth running of production we are currently looking to recruit for Night Hygiene Operatives to come and join the team at ABP in Bridge of Allan.Main Duties & Responsibilities:Follow Standard Operating Procedures for completion of hygiene tasksClean down of machinery and production areas as per Standard Operating ProceduresCompletion of line wash downs in a timely and consistent mannerProcedures using power hoses and other equipment including chemicals​Build-up of machinery after hygiene work has been completedRaise any training issues with HR or the Training ManagerMaintain a clean as you go area and demonstrate good manufacturing practiceSupport the need for change and actively get involved in continually looking for ways to improve performanceComply with all company procedures and codes of practice to ensure a safe and hygienic workplaceFocus on attention to detail and maintaining high standards.Other duties relating to this role and Production EnvironmentKnowledge & Experience:Experience in a similar positionGood communication and interpersonal skillsAbility to use your own initiativeKnowledge of chemicals and machinery which is used in the clean down processUnderstanding of Environmental requirements and responsibilities

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