Night Auditor

We have a fantastic new vacancy for an Experienced Night Auditor in the beautiful Dunboyne Castle Hotel & SpaDunboyne Castle Hotel & Spa is a luxury estate, nestled in 21 acres of lush green Meath countryside. The Georgian mansion which welcomes visitors today was originally built in 1764, on the same site as the original castle.What you will be doingTo complete duties as requested by the Night ManagerRunning the night auditCompleting night porter dutiesCompleting Check-ins & check-outs following hotel proceduresTo ensure security checks are completed on a nightly basisTo promote a helpful and professional image at all times and give full co-operation to any guest requiring assistance, with a prompt caring and helpful attitudeTo ensure all room service calls are handled quickly and efficientlyTo maintain the upkeep and appearance of the lobby and main hotel entranceTo perform light cleaning of the hotel entrance by picking up litter and emptying ashtrays & sweepingWhat about youAll of our team pride themselves on providing quality customer service to our guests, in addition to being hospitality and customer orientated we expect the following from:Ideally have 1 year experience as a hotel receptionist or night auditorPossess strong interpersonal and communication skillsBe adaptable and work well on your own initiativeBe available to work 5 nights over 7 days of the weekWhy work with usIn addition to working with a great team we offer the following to all staff:Company discounts in house & with our sister propertiesCompany EventsMeal on dutyOnsite ParkingOpportunities for training & developmentProgression opportunitiesEAPIf this role interests you please apply online

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