Network & Cyber Security Engineer Graduate Programme 2025 Cork

Network & Cyber Security Engineer Graduate Programme 2025 Interested in cyber security? Operational Technology? Industrial Automation? With IIoT, Cloud and Industry 4.0 transforming manufacturing operations, now is the time to launch your career in Industrial Networking and OT Cyber Security solutions!Founded in 1998, NeoDyne is one of Ireland's leading Electrical Engineering and Industrial Automation companies supplying the Pharma, Food & Beverage and Energy sectors. Headquartered in Cork with offices in Dublin, Galway, Waterford, and Chesterfield (UK), we employ over 200+ talented electrical and automation engineers.NeoDyne, a leading Industrial Automation and Electrical Engineering company is seeking recent Computer Science/ IT/ Cyber security graduates or junior IT professionals (0-2 years’ experience) to join our expanding OT security team in Cork and Waterford.Industrial Networking and OT Cyber Security With a team of ISA-certified OT cyber security specialists and partnerships with global technology companies, NeoDyne delivers secure, tailored industrial IT solutions to its customers across the Food and Beverage, Pharma, and Energy sectors. Our services range from assessing customers’ OT cyber security posture, hardening existing OT equipment,  to complete turnkey plant floor server and network solutions for greenfield sites. Our long-standing and endorsed partner relationships allow us to tailor solutions to our customer’s unique needs to deliver step improvements in security, reliability and cost reduction. What will I be doing?Our graduate programme will be all about learning new and developing your existing skills. Over a two-year period, you will be placed in projects where you get to do meaningful work and contribute to the business.Projects will be spread across all areas of OT Security and could include:·       Evaluating Cyber Security processes and controls in place for new and existing OT systems in line with industry standards, regulations, and directives.·       Identifying potential NIS Directive compliance gaps in installed or proposed OT infrastructure and establishing mitigation plans.·       Designing Defense-in-Depth, multi-layer protection for OT systems, including User identification & authentication, secure network & infrastructure design, and secure remote access to OT systems.·       Designing & implementing secure network architectures for OT environments.Generating technical documentation and dealing with customers will also be key parts of our graduate programme to help develop your soft skills. You will also have the opportunity to travel to customer sites to get involved in installation, testing, and commissioning.  Qualifications·       Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, Industrial Automation, Computer Science, IT, Cyber Security or allied disciplines.·       0-2+ years experience in an IT/OT/cyber security or Industrial Automation role.·       Knowledge and experience of Networking, Control Systems, PLC/SCADA development and maintenance desirable but not essential.·       Knowledge and experience of regulatory or industry standards, including NIS Directive, ISO/IEC 27001, NIST Cyber Security or NERC would be advantageous but not essential.·       Knowledge and experience in Energy, Food & Beverage or Pharma industry sectors would be desirable. You will work on varied projects to broaden your industry knowledge and diversity your skills. What about training?Our induction programme revolves around a 70-20-10 model for learning and development.70% On-the-job Learning:You’ll get stuck in from Day 1, working on real projects, delivering real business value to our customers both on- and off-site.20% Learning from others:You’ll be part of a team, working with subject matter experts and interacting with our customers daily. You’ll receive support and guidance, and an invaluable opportunity to learn from former graduates who’ve seen it and done it.10% Formal Education:We’ll help you become an expert in your chosen field, backed up by formal e-learning and classroom training. This extends to attaining professional certifications where relevant to our business specialisations. What we offer?·       Competitive starting salary with year-on-year bonuses and salary increases·       Paid Overtime·       Paid Graduate Day·       Health Insurance·       Income Protection·       Life Assurance·       PRSA pension with employer contribution·       Flexible Working·       Personalised Career Development Plan·       Professional Certifications, pathways to become a Chartered Engineer·       Cycle to work scheme We operate from modern offices in Cork, Dublin, Galway, Waterford, and the UK, offering a high standard of amenities, parking, motorway access with all the benefits of working at the heart of Ireland’s process industry hubs. Apply today!With our diverse range of business specialisations, customers, and industries that we serve, we offer an unrivalled programme designed to accelerate your personal and professional development. So why wait? Apply today!NeoDyne Ltd. is an equal opportunity employer, and all applications will be treated in strictest confidence.

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