National HSE Advisor

Glenevin Ltd has been developing and maintaining infrastructure across the UK since our formation in 2013. We specialise in Utilities (Power, Telecoms, etc), Civil Engineering, Traffic Management, and infrastructure. We have grown our business on a foundation of expertise, teamwork, and excellent customer service. Due to new partnerships, exciting opportunities have arisen for a National HSE Advisor to work across the UK plus overnight stays.As National HSE Advisor, you will be an essential member of our HSEQ team and will aid with all aspects of Health and Safety compliance. You must be a resident in the UK at the time of this advertisement and hold necessary paperwork to prove this.  As a National HSE Advisor your responsibilities will be: Assist the HSEQ team in the delivery of the Glenevin SHEQ Strategy and associated local action plans. You will play a pivotal role in future development of the business compliance road maps. Proactively drive positive safety cultural change by setting high safety expectations and encouraging others to follow your example. You will engage others to embrace change through a coaching and mentoring approach, creating a safer working environment. You will champion the roll out of Glenevin's compliance road map at site level, holding relevant stakeholders at sites accountable for its successful implementation. Maintain contact where appropriate with official and professional bodies; Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Environmental Health Officer, Fire Authorities and other safety related organisations including clients. Conduct regular internal compliance inspections of sites in line with the overall audit plan; report on findings and ensure actions are regularly reviewed through to completion. Conduct health and safety inspections on focus areas which have been identified within the relevant safety observations/statistics for that site. Review and update (where necessary) COSHH assessments and prepare reports and documents as required. Support, and where required lead investigations into all accidents and near-miss incidents and record the findings in the management system. You will be required to work with site teams to ensure that immediate containment actions get implemented, and effective corrective actions (longer term as required) are adopted. Oversee robust working relationships with operations staff to further support the development of company SSOW. Play an integral part in ensuring Glenevin contractors have undergone the necessary due diligence and have been approved to work on our sites. Conduct and review contractor documentation (SSOW) where required for med/high risk activities, to ensure they adequately assess and control risks. Foster within the sites an ethos that safety and accident prevention are an integral part of business and operational efficiency. Attend site/project progress meetings and compliance team meetings to ensure that the compliance team deliver a consistent and unified approach to safety. You will work closely with Glenevin site management to ensure that safety standards & expectations become engrained. Advise Glenevin operational management and staff on all aspects of Health & Safety. Bring any relevant new legislation to the attention of the Leadership team. Engage with employees, visitors and contractors who are on our sites and ensure that the work is carried out in a safe manner, effectively managed and controlled, escalating where required safety concerns to the Safety Manager/Senior Leadership Team as required. Monitor safety performance using both leading, lagging indicators. Implement practical and effective methods to promote safe working practices in the workplace. Develop, plan and execute emergency response scenarios relevant to the foreseeable risks. Identify areas for improvement and work with site leadership team to ensure the closeout of any gaps/non-conformances identified during the exercise at the earliest opportunity. Identify areas where training/certification is required to meet the standards imposed by Legislation, Approved Codes of Practice, or HSE guidance. Conduct/organise relevant health and safety training for staff as required. Arrange Health & Safety training/certification once identified. Ensure all policies and risk assessments, as required by legislation, are regularly reviewed at relevant intervals, maintaining records of such review and ensuring documents are controlled, provide coaching and guidance to staff where required. Work collectively with other members of the SHEQ team to ensure a consistent approach to policies across the business and implement delivery of the Glenevin Safety Management System. Develop, monitor and review procedures including but not limited to construction phase plans, risk assessments, method statements, COSHH assessment and personal protective equipment provision process. You will provide subject matter expertise and regulatory advice to our front-line supervisors and project managers. Conforming with all company policies.   Skills & Knowledge required.Set an example through high personal standards in the application of health and safety. Be dynamic and proactive, able to work as part of the Glenevin SHEQ Team. Able to provide advice and support to operations, ensuring pro-active and proportionate approach to safety compliance whilst aiding the continuous improvement in productivity and site performance. Co-ordinate, support and advice the Site Management and all located on sites on all aspects with regards to Health and Safety. Establish, manage and monitor standards, processes, communications, training and systems to ensure all responsibilities associated with Health and Safety on sites / depots are adhered to. Good IT Skills and knowledge of Microsoft Word & PowerPoint, practical understanding of transport safety requirements.  Be able to present to and engage a diverse audience principally our site teams/subcontractors. Ensure that they keep up to date with changes in current legislation and implement such changes where relevant.  Essential: General or Construction NEBOSH Certificate (or equivalent) Experience of working on Street Works projects NRSWA accreditation is desirable Incident / Near Miss Investigation and report writing skills  Strong skills in preparing risk assessments and method statements.  Clean Driving Licence  What ‘s in it for you: Competitive SalaryCar AllowanceCompany Pension 30 days annual leave (inclusive of recognised public holidays) Health, Safety & Environment: To promote positive culture and continuous improvements in the business management system all employees are required to adhere to Health & Safety, Environmental policies and standard operating procedures to ensure that best practice is met by both them and by their colleagues. Quality: All employees are expected to work within the systems, processes and procedures outlined within the department and / or company handbooks or software platforms or training manuals.Information Security: All employees are expected to work in compliance with the company’s Information Security policy and procedures; and be vigilant against malware and cyber-attacks when conducting any transferring of company knowledge or business.   Conduct: All employees are required to conduct themselves in a professional manner in accordance with company values, policies and codes of conduct outlined in the company’s policies and employee handbook.Flexibility: A reasonable degree of flexibility is required from all employees to meet the needs of the role and responsibilities of the department and the wider business.

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