Multiskilled Maintenance Engineer

ABP UK is a major division of the ABP Food Group with factories in Ireland, UK and Europe, ABP`s commitment to excellence impacts on every aspect of its business. Our teams of experienced and reliable meat experts are passionate about building lasting partnerships in the European retail, manufacturing and food service sectors.We want the best people to work for us and we know that a supportive and friendly working environment plays a key role in attracting and retaining employees. We promote the sharing of knowledge and invest strongly in training and development.Reporting to the Engineering Manager the ideal candidate will be a multi skilled Engineer, with an electrical bias, used to working in a fast paced and hands on position, be well organised with the ability to maintain attention to detail whilst working under pressure in a busy working environment.Working Hours are on a 2 week rotation. Monday to Friday 7am- 4pm and Monday to Friday 2pm until 11pm. Overtime may be available at weekends.

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