Multiskilled Engineer (Maintenance and Electrical) - Buckie

Role: Multiskilled Engineer (Maintenance and Electrical)Location: March Road, BuckieShift Pattern: Monday to Friday – full-time (flexibility required)Rate of Pay: An attractive and negotiable package will be available. Role Overview:Join our dynamic team as a Multiskilled Engineer, bringing together your expertise in both maintenance and electrical engineering to support our fast-paced food production environment.You will play a crucial role in ensuring equipment availability, peak performance, and continuous improvement. If you have a background in food production and are ready to take on diverse responsibilities, we invite you to contribute to our success.Duties will include although not limited to: Perform breakdown repairs, implement long-term solutions, and carry out planned preventative maintenance on various equipment.Upgrade plant and services to enhance operational efficiency.Monitor, test, and adjust various systems across the site, ensuring optimal performance.Participate in Continuous Improvement Projects to drive operational excellence.Undertake installation of new machinery and equipment, utilising your electrical and mechanical skills.Uphold and enhance engineering standards to meet the evolving needs of the production environment.Work closely with the engineering supervisor and other team members to support production operations effectively. Qualifications, Skills & Experience:Hold an apprenticeship served engineering qualification with a formal electrical or mechanical background.Possess strong creative problem-solving abilities and a mindset for continuous improvement.Exhibit self-motivation, a methodical work approach, and the ability to work independently.Demonstrate excellent communication skills and an aptitude for teamwork.Have attention to detail and uphold high standards of work.Show flexibility in attendance to meet the company's operational requirements.Display methodical fault-finding skills while adapting to production demands.Familiarity with Food Production Principles and Practices.Understanding of food safety principles and maintenance within a food-manufacturing environment. Working Hours/Flexibility:The contractual working hours will be Monday to Friday with flexibility in start and finish times to accommodate project requirements and deadlines. To apply, please submit your CV and a brief covering letter outlining your relevant experience and qualifications to

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