Mullingar - Sales Assistant

Job Description Polonez is now hiring staff in the retail food field. Customers are at the heart of everything we do, and that means, our Sales Assistants are right at the heart of our in-store customer experience. It’s a chance to put your abilities to the test, with a friendly, flexible approach, to make a difference to the things that matter most to our customers. You will help create a great experience for all of our customers, every time they choose to visit our stores.What do we expect from you? · Ensure customer satisfaction by offering customer service in a pleasant and friendly manner· Welcoming and helpful attitude toward customers and other team members· Assist with stock deliveries in an accurate and timely manner· Merchandise shelves, ensuring that all areas of the store are presented to the highest standard· Follow freshness and rotation principles· Accurately handle cash register operations· Scan and handle all products accurately · Ensure all waste is managed correctly· Follow store cleanliness and hygiene standards· Follow all food safety standards and best practices· Comply with relevant Health and Safety obligations· Comply with Company Guidelines and Procedures· Learn and adapt to our culture· Spot issues and resolve quicklyWhat’s in it for you? · Product discount· Career path· Full-time job opportunity· Competitive pay Job Type: Full-timeTempside Ltd. is an equal opportunities employer

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