Motor Technician/Mechanic - Kilkenny

BestDrive are experts in automotive parts repair including tires, brakes, exhausts and much more, as well as offering a robust car servicing and Pre-NCT checking facility. With over 30 branches across Ireland we are a Continental Company. We aim to be fully digitized offering the best technical/software equipment available on the Market.Company:             BestDriveJob Title:               MechanicReports to:            Supervisor/ManagerJob Purpose:  The Mechanic is responsible for the full maintenance and repairs of the vehicle. You will work with the best software equipment available on the current market.Key Tasks Required:Ability to identify faults and repair components & fit new and manufactured parts.Good mechanical aptitudeUndertaking full inspection before hand-over to customerRecording all relevant details, completing records etc.Understanding of diagnostics and fault findingGood communication skillsAbility to work well as part of a teamMaintaining a clean and neat work space and adhering to all company policies, procedures and safety standardsExperience in Tire fitting an advantageEssential Requirements:Minimum of 1 year experience in a similar roleMust be fully qualified mechanic or 4 years working experienceFull Current Driving Licence essentialMechanics tool kitKnowledge of iPads would be an advantageExperience in both Diagnostics and Fault Finding Rewards and Conditions:Basic salary - negUnlimited Potential Bonus Scheme20 days annual leaveWrkit discount cardPromotional OpportunitiesATA/SMT Accreditation with IMI and Motor Technician Specific Training Courses available

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