Motor Mechanic

BestDrive are experts in automotive parts repair including tyres, brakes, exhausts and much more, as well as offering a robust car servicing and Pre-NCT checking facility. With over 30 branches across Ireland we are a Continental Company. We aim to be fully digitized offering the best technical/software equipment available on the Market. BestDrive are also leading the way in the service, maintenance and tyre replacement for EV and Hybrid cars. We have comprehensive training, including a fully equipped training facility to enhance careers within the motor industry.BestDrive are offering positions for candidates with all level of experience, positions for candidates even without experience but with an interest in motor vehicles, we can train you too.          Company:                 BestDrive          Job Title:                   Mechanic          Reports to:               Supervisor/Manager Location: Ballymount, Dublin, IrelandJob Purpose:  The Mechanic is responsible for the full maintenance and repairs of the vehicle. You will work with the best software equipment available on the current market.Key Tasks Required:Ability to identify faults and repair components & fit new and manufactured parts.Good mechanical aptitudeUndertaking full inspection before hand-over to customerRecording all relevant details, completing records etcUnderstanding of diagnostics and fault findingGood communication skillsAbility to work well as part of a teamMaintaining a clean and neat work space and adhering to all company policies, procedures and safety standardsExperience in Tyre fitting an advantageEssential Requirements:Documentation of QualificationMinimum of 1 year experience in a similar roleFull Current Driving Licence essentialKnowledge of Ipads would be an advantage, but not a necessityExperience in both Diagnostics and Fault Finding Rewards and Conditions:Basic salary Unlimited Potential Bonus SchemeTwenty One days annual leavePromotional OpportunitiesEmployee assistance programsATA/SMT Accreditation with IMI and Motor Technician Specific Training Courses availableVirtual Academy available with TIPs programDiscounted Toolboxes and loans availableTraining in Brakes, TPMS, Servicing, Mechanical etc…..

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