Mobile Response Officer

MAN Commercial Protection are looking for a Mobile response Officer located in Solihull.Shift patterns available: 4 on 4 off 12 hour night shifts.Shift timings will be: 19:00-07:00.Pay Rate: £12.50Main Responsibilities:Respond to intruder alarms as appropriate; inspect for signs of break-in and liaise with police and emergency services and Man Commercial Protection controlConducting external and internal patrols using Diester or similar equipment to record the locations and times visited during each patrol.Check all external and internal doors, windows and fire exits on all areas of premises you patrol reporting irregularities. All Health and Safety issues to be reported to your manager immediately.Comply with Mobile Patrol Unlocks/ Locks and Patrol schedulesComplete reports by recording observations, information, occurrences, and surveillance activities.Comply with customer site instructions when responding or patrolling.Complete all relevant documents.Inspect company vehicle and report all defects.Report all incidents to MAN Commercial Protection controlMaintain organization's stability and reputation by complying with legal requirements.Carry out site visits to all security officers at least once a monthAlarm reports to be composed and sent to the administrator and manager at the end of each shiftChecking/Signing all keys out/in that are required/returned while on shift. Key managementThe ideal candidate must have:You must be able to work on your own initiativeFull 5-year checkable work/education historyYou MUST hold a valid SIA DS or SG licenceA full UK manual Driving LicenceA minimum of 1 years’ experience in mobile patrollingBenefits:Full uniform suppliedAccess to in-house training (SIA and First Aid)Double pay on Bank HolidaysFree International Professional Security Association (IPSA) membershipAccess to 24-hour counselling helpline through IPSAAccess to 24-hour legal helpline through IPSAPerks At Work - High Street Discount SchemeIf this sounds like the ideal role for you, please apply with your CV. We look forward to hearing from you!

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