MIG & TIG Welder

We are currently seeking to recruit experienced MIG/TIG Welders required to join our team at Suretank Limited, Shamrock Hill, Dunleer, Co. Louth A92 V064 and also our facility at Suretank Limited, Station Road, Castlebellingham, Co. Louth A91 YR83, IrelandKey Responsibilities:MIG Welder/ Fabricator is required to read drawings/ weld procedures and lay down welds.Quantity and Quality of work to be of a high standard, free of defects and with attention to detail.All work to be carried out in a safe manner.39 hours per weekRequirements:1+ years on the job experience, MIG/TIG Welding in a manufacturing environmentAbility to read Drawings, Weld Symbols and Weld ProceduresAbility to use other fabrication equipment.Strong Attention to detailAbility to work on own initiativeFlexibilityGood understanding of English language and communication an advantageCompany Benefits:Shift Allowance paid in addition to base salary €30,000Overtime PaidFree ParkingEmployee Assistance ProgrammeFor more information about Suretank and career opportunities available view our webpage www.suretank.com  or contact HR on (041) 686-2022 ext 202.

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