Merchandising Planner

Established 160 years ago, Shaws has become a trusted, much loved brand and one of Ireland's leading department store retailers. An Irish family-owned business to this day, we enjoy a rich heritage that is steeped in tradition. Our goal is to provide quality products, unmatched service and expert knowledge for all our customers nationwide.We now have an exciting opportunity available within the Merchandising department for a Merchandising Planner. The successful candidate will require the below competencies. Responsibilities include:·      Creating and reviewing target stock levels for ongoing core stock, both in the warehouse and in branches.·      Monitoring targets on all seasonal stock in the warehouse to maximise sell through within the season.·      Creation and ongoing maintenance of the group space allocation database - by department, by hierarchy and by brand.·      Liaising with buyers on potential branch transfer requirements.·      Working with buyers on size ratios, branch allocations etc.·      Ensuring product coding information accuracy as part of the preparatory work for calculating Seasonal Budgets & Ongoing OTBs.·      Dealing with product level queries from the buying team.·      The placement of replenishment orders for ongoing stock directly with suppliers. The above list is by no means exhaustive and you may be required to assume additional responsibilities and duties as required at the discretion of the company. Person Specification:·      Previous experience in a busy buying department an advantage·      Exceptional attention to detail·      Numerical accuracy essential·      Highly organised·      Computer literate and proficient in Microsoft Excel·      Ability to work on own initiative This role is a fantastic opportunity for anybody wishing to progress their career and gain experience of working in a busy buying departmentThis is a hybrid role where the successful candidate will be given the opportunity to work remotely in line with the company hybrid policy upon successful completion of the probation period.

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