Meetings & Events Porter

We have a fantastic new vacancy for a Meetings and Events Porter in the Ashling Hotel.The ideal candidate will come from at least a 4 star background preferably with experience in a similar role and should be flexible as this role requires the person to work both day and evening shifts.The successful candidate will possess strong interpersonal skills and a high level of customer service skills  BenefitsCompetitive salaryTraining & development to aid your professional and personal developmentStaff meals and uniform are provided while on duty.Paid breaksEarn money by referring a friend to work with usObjective of the RoleTo ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the Hotel, ensuring high levels of guest care while maintaining agreed standards of service, placing emphasis on controls, security, cleanliness and set-ups.Setting up of meetings rooms, cleaning and maintaining our meeting rooms, serving of refreshments to our guests in meeting rooms.Requirements:Experience will constitute an advantageExcellent organizational skills.Excellent communication skills.Flexibility to assist in other departments should the need arise.Requirements for this positionHave an excellent work ethic and ensure that all of guests expectations are metBe hardworking with a positive attitude towards their workHave passion, energy and enthusiasm while remaining professional when dealing with our guestsHave ability to work on your own initiative but also being a great team playerHave good attention to detail Have an ability to work under pressureBe legally valid to work Full-time in IrelandExcellent Communications Skills (Written & Verbal)Flexibility for different shifts and weekend work

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