Meeting & Events Co-Ordinator

Overall Job PurposeThe Meeting & Events Co-Ordinator has a responsibility to assist the Events Manager & Sales & Marketing Manager to ensure the smooth running of all conferences and banquets within the Talbot Hotel Clonmel and representing The Talbot Collection in a favourable and efficient manner. Role Specific Duties: Personal·       To arrive for work on time and in proper uniform.·       To ensure a high standard of personal hygiene and grooming.·       To establish and maintain a good working relationship with other members of staff and management at all times. Administration·       Assist the Events Manager with responding to meeting and event enquiries, within the responsibility of your department are co-ordinated and converted in a professional, efficient and customer focused manner. ·       Assist the Events Manager with maintenance of daily/monthly booking files- all meetings and events within the Talbot Collection Clonmel.·       Co-ordinate the administration and distribution of all function sheets/menus etc in the absence of the Events Manager. ·       Ensure all additional events are dealt with and distributed immediately and communicated to appropriate departments.·       To send out the required information to clients on request. ·       Creation of support material to facilitate same- customer follow up documentation, quotations, contracts, function sheets etc.·       Assist in gathering key customer feedback and report points of issues to the Events Manager.·       To produce sales documentation i.e., Menus daily and any other internal sales documents. ·       Conduct competitor analysis report for all competitors when requested from the Events Manager.·       Assist the Events Manager in liaising with reception and accounts to ensure correct billing of all meetings and events.·       To confirm in writing to all clients – the details of their bookings with the relevant property’s terms and conditions whilst confirming payment details.·       To ensure accurate and complete entries in to Hotsoft in accordance with establish procedures.·       To assist the Events Manager in monitoring competitor hotels in relation to dinner dances, conferences, AGM’s etc. and then target for the following year.·       Take overflow calls for Reservations for all Talbot Hotel Clonmel when required.  ·       Ensure to meet with clients to provide a show around of facilities and information as necessary to secure booking.Be flexible and available to work varying shifts, 5 out of 7 days, to include weekends. What do we offer?Complimentary Leisure Club MembershipDiscounted Accommodation RatesLife InsuranceEmployee Counselling LineBike to Work SchemePension SchemeChristmas Savings SchemeFree parking  Talbot Hotel Clonmel is an equal opportunities employer

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