Medical Secretary

Mater Private Network are seeking to recruit a full time highly motivated and experienced Consultant Secretary to support our Consultants in Breast Institute.This is a faced paced environment looking after a group of Consultants in Breast Support Unit. Duties & Responsibilities1.     Look after a group of consultants to ensure that each of their private practices runs efficiently.2.     To ensure that all patients are dealt with in an efficient and professional manner.3.     To ensure all work is carried out accurately and efficiently .4.     To ensure all work is completed in accordance with the standards established by the Mater Private Network.5.     To ensure that patient care and safety are always adhered to.6.     Deal with all referrals for surgery from Breast Check / Breast Health into the service within set time frames.7.     Schedule surgeries of patients to clinics; Schedule Radiology appointments8.     Clinic prep / attendance. Sit consultant clinics in Dublin.9.     Monitor and action all emails in a professional manner.10. Answer phones in an efficient and professional manner.11. Deal with voicemails and text messages.12. Taking payments on behalf of each consultant.13. Sending on referrals for testing and bookings as required.14. Ensuring all documentation relating to the patient is available for clinics15. Ensuring all clinics are fully booked.16. Ensuring that all cancellation slots are refilled.17. Monthly finance report for consultants and hospital.18. Use MS Word, Excel, Microsoft Outlook, iMedDoc and the Hospital Patient Administration System19. Complete other tasks as assigned from time to time. Education, Skills and Knowledge1.     Leaving Certificate standard of education with Medical Secretary diploma or similar desirable2.     2 years experience in a similar role3.     Strong attention to detail4.     Strong coordination Skills5.     Flexibility on hours to suit consultant clinics.6.     Ability to use Initiative to enhance the Service7.     Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Possess awareness and sensitivity towards patient needs.8.     Ability to work under pressure to tight deadlinesMATER PRIVATE NETWORK IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITES EMPLOYER.

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