Medical Scientist Biochemistry

Medical Scientist BiochemistryMaintain Awareness of the primacy of the patient in relation to all hospital activities.Perform assigned work to the highest professional standard in accordance with ISO 15189 and laboratory SOPs.Demonstrate behaviour consistent with the values of the profession of a Medical Scientist.Participate in implementing a service that supports the clinical needs of patients and is consistent with the mission, vision, values, and strategic plan of the Mercy University Hospital.Actively participate and co-operate in Saturday morning / on call rotas when adequately trained to do so.Be available to cover extra shifts as required e.g., due to sick leave.Be responsible for their own work and carry out their duties in accordance with laboratory and hospital policy, using resources to the maximum efficiency.Report all anomalies, near misses, non-conformances, incorrect results immediately to appropriate senior staff.Ensure that procedures are carried out in compliance with national and international guidelines and actively participate in internal and external quality control and quality assurance.Participate in the implementation and maintenance of the quality management system to ISO 15189. Participate in the preparation and review of standard operating procedures or other laboratory documents in accordance with the laboratory’s document control procedures. Participate in the reporting of non-conformances, complaints, incidents and near misses and perform corrective actions as required. Participate in audits as required. Perform all activities related to the receipt, analysis and reporting of laboratory specimens.Perform all activities related to Reagent and Stock Management.Ensure all policies in relation to record keeping are followed.Evaluate reagents, equipment, consumable items as required.Observe strict confidentiality when dealing with all aspects of patient or hospital information.Participate and co-operate in evaluating and validating equipment, consumables and research and development projects. Be familiar with and respond accordingly to the activation of the Major Emergency Plan.Liaise with other health care professionals as appropriate.  Essential Criteria: Must be registered for CORU , please provide registration number or Provide evidence of application number if currently awaiting registration.Must be eligible to work in Ireland. Fulfil the qualifications and eligibility criteria as laid down by the DOH&C Have the requisite knowledge and ability (including a high standard of suitability and professional ability) for the proper discharge of the duties of the office. Excellent interpersonal and communication skillsProblem solving. Ability to make rational calm decisions. Skills at diagnosis, especially skills of deduction. High level of commitment to tasks undertaken in quality environment.Must be able to prioritise their work to meet the demands of meeting different timelines and able to work on their own where and when this is required.Must demonstrate flexibility to work in a demand driven environment, enthusiasm, adaptability, and a willingness to co-operate.Good computer skillsDesirable Criteria:Experience of working in a Medical Biochemistry Dept Experience of working in an Irish Healthcare Laboratory.  Closing Date 2nd August 2024 1 PM

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