Senior Medical Physicist - Fixed Term Contract

Job Title: Senior Medical Physicist (Diagnostic)Department: RADIOLOGYReports to: Director of Radiology Date: 2024 Overall Purpose of JobWe will provide exceptional patient care in an environment where quality, respect, caring and compassion are at the centre of all we do. Working as part of a team of scientists and other healthcare professionals, the Physicist will provide scientific and technical support to the hospital. He/She will work to ensure that all physics related activities are of the highest quality, are safe and cost-effective. In particular, the Physicist will be involved in the management of Nuclear Medicine, X-ray quality assurance and development of appropriate support services MRI in the Radiology Department. The closing date for this role will be 3rd of May 2024.Key Responsibilities and Deliverables:Under the supervision of the RPA:Contribute to the scientific management of the range of Diagnostic imaging equipment including General Radiography, CT, Interventional x-ray systems, Nuclear Medicine including PETCT, Mammography, C-Arms, Mobile x-Ray units, MRI, Lasers, Ultrasound.Contribute to and develop the routine QA arrangements for all imaging equipment including measurement and analysis of data – ionising and non-ionising radiationContribute scientific support to various service lines in radiology Be accountable for the quality of the service provided, including customer service and technical aspects.Advise on equipment selection, purchase, replacement or upgrading.Contribute to the preparation of plans of service – monitor and report on their implementation. Implement and maintain accurate information systems for clinical data in accordance with hospital standards.Ensure the Director of Radiology is provided with accurate records of equipment service, maintenance, malfunction, downtime and performance as required and co-ordinate preventative maintenance schedules in accordance with clinical demand.Participate in the management of safety for all imaging and related equipmentEnsure all hospital policies on infection control, IV policy and health and safety etc. are understood by staff and complied with.Actively participate in activities that constitute continuing professional developmentActively participate in development of Medical Physics at the Beacon Hospital and contribute to the commitment and initiation of new servicesAssist with commissioning of new equipment in the remit of Radiology, recognising fault situations and taking appropriate actionBe willing to undertake any other duties or training as requested by the Director of Radiology in order to maintain quality of the Medical Physics service to the patients and staff.          Other duties assigned that are appropriate to the post Keeping abreast of current developments in the fieldStaff development and in-service training relevant to the post as may be organised from time to timeRadiation safety: To ensure that the three principles of radiation protection, namely justification, optimisation (ALARA) and dose constraints/limits are adhered to. To be familiar with EU Council Directive Euratom Basic safety standards as set out in current Irish legislation for the protection of health workers and the general public against the dangers arising from Ionising Radiation (S.I. 30 of 2019) and the health protection of individuals against the dangers of ionising radiation in relation to medical exposure (S.I. 256 of 2018);Represent medical physics on appropriate committees. Quality:Assist the Director of Radiology with Policies and Procedure development as appropriateImplement quality improvement as necessary to ensure safety of patients and staffPerform departmental audits that feed into the organisation quality programmeAttend relevant meetings as requested by Director of RadiologyAssist Director of Radiology in the preparation for EPA or HIQA inspections and accreditation surveys as appropriate Medical Physics Expert - Diagnostic Imaging:Responsible for dosimetry, including physical measurements for evaluation of the dose delivered to the patient and other individuals subject to medical exposure,Give advice on medical radiological equipment, andContributes, in particular, to the following:optimisation of the radiation protection of patients and other individuals subject to medical exposure, including the application and use of diagnostic reference levels;definition and performance of quality assurance of the medical radiological equipment;acceptance testing of medical radiological equipment;the analysis of events involving, or potentially involving, accidental or unintended medical exposures;the selection of equipment required to perform radiation protection measurements; the training of practitioners/staff in relevant aspects of radiation protection.Contribute to standardisation of therapeutic nuclear medicine practices as well as CT and interventional radiology practices, involving high doses; andConsult and give advice on all other medical radiological practices.  Person SpecificationQualifications:Hold a recognised Honours degree in Physics AndHold a recognised post-graduate qualification in Medical physics (MSc. Or PhD), or have demonstrated a significant contribution to research or professional activities.Management course (desirable) but not mandatory.Registered with Irish College of Physicists in MedicineExperience:At least five years satisfactory experience relevant to Medical Physics (Diagnostic and Nuclear medicine).An aptitude for problem solving and decision making.Ability to work in a multidisciplinary team.  Job Specific Competencies and Knowledge:Demonstrate ability to manage clinical and non-clinical situations.Have a proven ability to work under pressure.Have excellent interpersonal and communicative skills.Have a high capacity for responsibility and individual initiative.Be able to deal with staff and management at all levels within the organisation.Have an interest in quality initiation for the Radiographic service.Personal Competencies:All posts in Beacon Hospital require a high level of flexibility to ensure the delivery of an effective and efficient service. Therefore, the post holder will be required to demonstrate flexibility as and when required by their manager of hospital management. This job description is intended to be an outline of the areas of responsibility and deliverables at the time of its writing. As the Hospital and the post holder develop, this job description may be subject to review in light of the changing needs of the Hospital. 

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