Medical Laboratory Assistant in Laboratory Specimen Reception

Medical Laboratory Assistant in Laboratory Specimen Reception An opportunity has arisen to join our Laboratory team, as a permanent part-time (15.5hrs per week) Laboratory Assistant in the Laboratory Specimen reception. Requirements:To be professionally responsible for all aspects of the post-holders own work.To assist laboratory staff with performance and preparation of a number of pathological tests. This may include preparing equipment, culture media and reagents.To handle specimens at reception by logging patient and sample details onto the relevant database.To maintain stocks of laboratory reagents and other consumables, and to participate in the cleaning, upkeep, preparation of laboratory equipment and apparatus as required.To prepare and dispatch samples to other laboratories as required.To participate in the processing, storage and retrieval from storage of laboratory samples.To take an active role in Health & Safety issues as required.To carry out any other duties that may be assigned to the post from time to time.Comply with relevant procedures and methods to ensure that the Pathology Laboratory complies with the current JCI and ISO 15189 standards. MATER PRIVATE NETWORK IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER

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