Medical Laboratory Aide - Microbiology

Medical Laboratory AideParticipate in the ‘Quality Management System (QMS) as defined in the ISO 15189, other associated INAB guideline documents and other Government and EU Directives as required.Attend laboratory training as needed.Conform to Mercy University’s health and safety standards.Observe the strictest confidentiality when dealing with all aspects of the Mercy University Hospital’s information.Perform routine work to the highest professional standards as determined by the laboratory management team.Maintain a clean and orderly environment in the laboratory.Perform daily, weekly and monthly maintenance on laboratory equipment and document performance of same.Make the most efficient use of reagents/consumables in accordance with best practice to ensure minimum out-of-dating.Maintain adequate stock levels of critical reagents and consumables.Sort and number accurately, and in a timely manner, the specimens received into the laboratory.Register samples on the Laboratory Information System.Prepare samples for processing.Perform other appropriate duties as may be assigned from time to time by laboratory management. Essential Criteria - the successful candidate:Will be required to satisfy occupational health requirements for the post and thereafter demonstrate their capability to perform the duties of a Medical Laboratory AideShould demonstrate satisfactory attendance and time keeping record.Has a duty to participate in all safety practices/procedures in the hospital.Must be able to maintain as confidential any information on patients that they have access to.Must be conscientious and aware of the importance of patient care in their duties.Should have excellent interpersonal and communication skills.Must be able to prioritise their work so as to meet the demands of meeting different timelines and be able to work on their own where and when this is required.Closing date for applications is 1pm Friday, 9th August 2024The MUH reserve the right to create a panel for this post from which permanent, fixed term and specified purpose vacancies of a full or part time duration may be filled.

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