Medical Administrator in Poynton Spine Care (Limerick)

Purpose of the Role:The purpose of the Medical Administrator is to ensure the efficient and effective management of all appointment scheduling within all Poynton Spinecare@ Mater Private Network clinic locations. This role is responsible for overseeing administrative functions, coordinating patient appointments and managing electronic medical records as part of a team. The Medical Administrator works closely with clinical teams, hospital departments and patients to optimize resource allocation, improve patient satisfaction, and maintain high standards of care.Duties & Responsibilities Managing clinical team schedules for multiple locationsPreparing appointments – Including booking and confirming patient appointments by phone/ email/ SMSLiaising with clinical team re patient queriesGeneral Admin duties including scanning reports, test results and correspondence Dealing with patient queries by phone and email dailyProcessing patient medical recordsAnswering incoming callsUsing all local policies and procedures when carrying out all dutiesMaintaining all records and reporting on the clinic's electronic patient records.Open and close the building as per local policy and guidelines and be a responsible key holder. Skills & Qualifications  Qualifications/ExperienceAdministrative experience in a customer focused industryStrong IT skills and proficient on CRM and/ or HER systemsFluent in written and oral EnglishEmpathetic with strong patient focusExcellent communication skills  Essential requirementsImmediate AvailabilityExperience in a fast-paced office environmentExcellent administration and organisation skill Ability to work on own initiativeFully proficient and experienced in MS Office suite and open to new technology use as all records / systems will be electronicExperience in working in a multi-tasking environment with a good understanding of good customer relations and relationship management. Excellent telephone manner essential.A full job description is available on request.THE MATER PRIVATE NETWORK IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER

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