Mechanical Foreman

We have exciting opportunities for Mechanical Foremen to join Suir Engineering. Suir Engineering has offices in Ireland, Denmark, Sweden and Germany. We deliver leading edge next generation solutions to clients by designing, building, and installing Data Centers, Pharma and Medical Device plant and Renewable Energy Systems.Due to continued growth and the commencement of new projects Suir Engineering are currently looking to hire Mechanical Foremen to work on the construction of a new food and beverage facility in Belview Co. Kilkenny.This requirement is for the successful candidates to start ASAP.What you will be doing?Assume a leadership role on site and maintain standards of safety and comply with company Health, Safety and Environmental Management System requirements.Ensure the standard specifications for all jobs adhere to the plan.Attend and deliver Toolbox Talks and Weekly Progress Meetings.Assist Supervision in the development of the Project Programme.Monitor, measure and record productivity efficiency on a daily basis ultilising Suir Engineering Tiered management systemAssign work to the Charge-Hands in accordance with the project plan.Record and report all extra work via the appropriate method with QS team(day-work sheet, SL’s emails, etc).Any other reasonable and relevant duties as requested, necessary to meet the ongoing needs of the company. Is this role for me? Minimum of 2 years’ experience working within a contracting environment.Must hold a valid Mechanical Trade Certificate.Sprinkler system experience an advantageStrong people management and Leadership skillsSafety and quality focused with a proven background of working to high standardsIn return from Suir:Competitive salary commensurate with experience22 days annual leaveEmployee Wellbeing and Employee Assistance ProgrammeBike-to-Work SchemeEducational AssistanceOpportunity to become part of great team and work on large scale projectsOur way of working is called the Suir Way, designed to help us continually improve. The benefit for employees is:Our people are empowered to make changes to ensure a quality install through effective ways of working.Our people have a voice and feel empowered.We have an in-built culture of innovation, learning and continuous improvement.Value is delivered every step of the journey. Our efficient processes deliver value.We have a standard, consistent and fully integrated health, safety, environment, and quality system within the business.At Suir Engineering we are an equal opportunities employer, we value our greatest asset …. our People.

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