Mechanical Fitter - Operations

About the Role: EPS Group are actively recruiting for a Mechanical Fitter. In your role as Fitter for the Operations division you will be responsible for the maintenance of mechanical equipment on our water and wastewater contracting sites. Key Responsibilities:Responsible for carrying out on site mechanical maintenance works associated with various mechanical systems on wastewater and water treatment plantsDelivering of planned preventative maintenance programs – greasing, lubrication, oil inspection/Oil Changes of gearbox’s, pumps, blowersBelt tension checks and alignmentPump Inspections and general maintenance requirementsPipework and various types of valves inspection/replacementWorking with various types of piping applications – Cast Iron, PVC, ABS, stainless steel, galvanised mild steelInvestigating mechanical Faults on plant and resolving same – identifying parts required and successfully replacing sameMinor fabrication including welding and on-site bracketing requiredCarryout mechanical works on site – installing new and or replacement kitCompletion of daily reports and ensuring company HSQE policies are been maintained for all worksKey Competencies and Skills:Qualified Mechanical Fitter/Plant Fitter/Mechanic with experience in site mechanical maintenance worksElectrical awareness would be an advantageGood communication skillsQualifications:Qualified Mechanical Fitter/Plant Fitter/MechanicFull EU/ Irish driving licenceCompensation Package:Competitive salary and benefits packageOpportunities for professional development and career growthCPD accredited employerA collaborative and supportive work environmentFlexible working options, dependent on location and role requirementsSee company website for more information on the benefits of working in EPS GroupWe welcome speculative applications from individuals of all levels.If you are interested in working with us but are not sure if the role above is for you, please feel free to get in touch for an informal discussion about what we do and what you could bring to the team. If you need any reasonable adjustments or have an accessibility request during your recruitment journey, please let our recruiting team know.Speak to our recruiting team on 022-31200 or email Equal Opportunity Statement - EPS Group is an equal opportunities employer. Company ProfileSince 1968, we have grown from a modest electrical and pumping services business and developed into an innovative, internationally exporting product and service provider, now focused upon the water, wastewater and clean technology sectors, operating across the Republic of Ireland, the UK and Northern Europe.We are an international water infrastructure specialist, one of the few genuine end-to-end service providers in the global water sector, providing large scale employment, bringing market leading and ground breaking technologies to Ireland and working to improve the country's water infrastructure.Our vision is to be the best and most rewarding place to work for our teams, to be our customer’s outstanding partner of choice and we are committed to being a Net Zero, sustainable business.

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