Mechanical Design Engineer

Job Summary:The Mechanical Engineer works as part of our Suretank Engineering team based in Dunleer/ Castlebellingham to support the design and manufacture of our products.Duties and Responsibilities:The duties and responsibilities of the role include (but are not limited);Design of Tanks , Cargo-Carrying Units and modular units to specific customer requirements,Ensuring that all engineering documentation created as part of tasks meet the requirements of internal procedures & strict timelines. This includes CAD, engineering drawings, BOMs, Calculations, Technical Specifications and other project deliverables,Maintain and control engineering documentation for each contract as per the requirements of Suretank business and quality manuals. Liaise with customers to ensure that all contract requirements have been accurately documented and obeyed,Ensure that design outputs comply with all relevant design codes and standards including ASME pressure vessel codes, DNV 2.7-1, CE Marking, EN 1090Undertake continuous improvement activities.Requirements:The ideal candidate will have an honours degree in Mechanical Engineering,Minimum 3 years relevant postgraduate experience in industry (preferably manufacturing),Excellent materials and design skills,Experience designing Carbon & stainless steel structures,Excellent experience using 3D CAD applications e.g. SolidWorks, Creo (Pro/E), Inventor, Revit,Experience & skills in project management,Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.Preferred:Experience in the design and manufacture of equipment (offshore/ modular)Experience in PDMFamiliar with MRP systems, e.g. SAPExperience in the design of equipment for the transport of dangerous goods.Company Benefits: Company Pension Plan.Company Healthcare PlanEmployee Assistance ProgrammeEmployee Referral ProgrammeFree ParkingFor more information about Suretank and career opportunities available view our webpage  or contact HR on (041) 686-2022 ext 202.

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